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A Twilight Moment- Purpose and Joy

“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” – Viktor Frankl

At Twilight, our unique Family Model of Care means getting to know each resident as an individual, valuing and understanding their identity and life journey, and identifying what is important to them so they may continue to live well and thrive.

A beautiful example of our Model of Care in action is Jan’s story. Jan lives at Horton House, Twilight’s women-only home. Jan expressed that she would love to get back into her sewing, something that was a big part of her life before moving into residential care.

Sara, our Facility Manager at Horton House, purchased a sewing machine for Jan’s use. You can see from the smiles how much this has meant to Jan. 

 After pondering  on what to make with the machine provided by Horton House, Jan had a wonderful idea – she decided to make hot pack bags for her fellow residents.

Previously, the residents had been using pillow covers, which wasn’t ideal. Jan was thrilled to see her idea come to life, even if it was just a prototype. This project was closely followed by pillowcases, using recycled tablecloths that would otherwise be disposed of.  

Jan says working on her sewing lets her tap into her creativity and fine motor skills. More than that, she feels a deep sense of joy and purpose knowing that her talents are making a difference for others.

 Happy sewing, Jan!

Find out more about Twilight’s Family Model of Care HERE.