Twilight Aged Care began as a community-based not-for-profit organisation and this remains our focus. We strive to maintain and build on our strong community relationships.
It has been thanks to these relationships within the community, through people who have seen the value of the good work we do, that we have been fortunate to receive some generous bequests and donations. These donations leave a lasting legacy which enables us to continue to offer the high level of care to elderly residents in our communities.
Financial support from the community has been invaluable in providing property and significant capital investment required to regularly improve and update our homes and grounds, making them appealing, welcoming, safe environments for elderly people to spend the twilight of their lives.
Donations also go toward ensuring we are able to offer our community additional services and programs. These enable residents to maintain a high level of independence and lifestyle residents expect and deserve.
Donations are vital to our organisation and have directly contributed to an extensive renovation of the Glades Bay Gardens facility at Gladesville and state-of-the-art redesign and redevelopment of Horton House at Gordon – both setting a benchmark for aged care provision in Sydney’s northern suburbs.
In order for us to continue the important work we do, to upgrade our homes and deliver the best in aged care programs to the elders of our communities, your bequest or donation is vital.
To help us make a significant difference in the lives of our residents and their families, please consider making a bequest or donation – no matter how big or small – it all contributes to a greater good.
To make a donation, call us on 02 9414 4400 or email: All donations are fully tax deductible.
Thank you.

Mr Lewis Hey Sharp whose estate bestowed the original Horton House to the organization in 1974