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Twilight's got Rhythm !

Rhythmic Knitting is an innovative and meaningful activity recently introduced for residents by our Music Therapist Tamia. 

Simply put, residents knit while music is played – sometimes Tamia will ask each resident for a song request. But there’s a whole host of extra benefits and some lovely unexpected outcomes that have come from these sessions already; like the residents passing on their skills and teaching staff how to knit!

Some of the therapeutic goals Tamia works towards in the sessions include:

  • Maintaining fine motor skills through knitting and other needle crafts.  
  • Increasing self-esteem and creative expression through the creation of independent and comparatively knitted items. The residents become the ‘professionals’ as they educate staff and help one another in the group.
  • Supporting social skills and connections between residents, as the sessions often spark conversations and allow the residents a chance to reminiscence about knitting or the music being played.
  • Supporting cognitive function through the process of knitting and engaging with music.
  • Providing a purpose-focused activity that residents can continue outside of the session.

Residents can choose a cause they would like to knit for, making the process more intentional and purposeful.

Blankets for charity (Wrapped With Love) and Yarn bombing (decorating an area at Twilight with colourful knitted things) have been the two most popular options so far.