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“I met Sadhna when I first moved into the home. I had moved from the Independent Unit within the grounds of Hunters Hill Village. She has many good qualities.  She is respectful and very considerate to the needs of residents.”

“She is very patient and kind. She deals with situations and finds solutions to many complex problems. She is one of the very experienced staff at the home.”

What do you like most about Sadhna?

“Her cheerful and optimistic approach to life. She supported us all very well during Covid Pandemic when we could not be in touch with the outside world. She fully supported me throughout with emotional support and kept me busy by participating in activities of interest.”

“She supported me throughout our Intergenerational Activities with Macquarie University last year. I attend all the big and small events celebrated at the home, including outdoor activities like monthly barbeques, bus trips, concerts, etc. I always attend Monthly Resident Meetings, which I enjoy being an active part of.”

“She is always calm and composed most of the time on the floor working with many residents with different needs.”


What do you like most about Joan?

“Joan has a very warm and welcoming personality. I admire her for her high academic background. She is a graduate of Sydney University, and for that matter, all her family, i.e., her children and grandchildren, have graduated from Sydney University.”

“She is a very kind and wise woman.”

What do you enjoy most when working with Joan?

“The person she is. Joan likes to be as independent as possible. I see that she attends monthly meetings and participates actively. She enjoys the company of like-minded people. She reads the daily newspaper and enjoys doing crosswords and attends concerts, bus trips, and so on.”

“Joan attends most of the big and small events celebrated at the home nicely and smartly dressed.”