Hunters Hill Village was full of love and warm wishes on March 12, as resident Sheelagh Good celebrated an impressive milestone: her 104th birthday.
Twilight CEO Neil Wendt was there to join in on the fun and told us all about the beautiful celebrations.
“As CEO, I had the great privilege to be invited to attend Sheelagh Good’s 104th birthday party at Hunters Hill Village (HHV).
“What a great event it was – it made me very proud to be part of Twilight.
“We had several VIP guests, who all told me what a great team there was at HHV and how family-orientated the event felt.
“Congratulations to everyone who played a part in its organisation. A special big thank you to Recreational Activities Officer (RAO) Sadhna for using her marketing skills to get Sheelagh on live TV! The day started with a bang, with a live crossing to Channel 9’s Today show so that host Karl Stefanovic could hear from one of his biggest fans: Sheelagh!
“Channel 9 also brought their own Mexican mariachi band to play happy birthday.

“The weather was kind and we had residents and guests there to sing along, mingle in the garden and pay their respects to Sheelagh.

“Here we have Twilight’s Consultant Dietitian Giselle Brand, myself, HHV Facility Manager Mari, Clinical Governance and Innovation Manager Gladys, some of Sheelagh’s family, the local Mayor Ross and Councillor Elizabeth.

“And Channel 9’s Lara Vella with Mari and the Mayor.

“And Channel 9’s Lara Vella with Mari and the Mayor.

“The hall looked fantastic. Thank you to all of the staff that worked back the night before and came in early to set things up. Even the balloons were brilliant and looked like flowers.
“Sheelagh made a grand (dancing) entrance with PCA Elizabeth, RAO Sadhna, PCA Rosula and singer Col Joye. When I grew up in Australia everyone loved Col Joye and he was always on TV entertaining people. He seemed to really enjoy the opportunity to dust off his ukulele and serenade his friend Sheelagh.

“Sheelagh’s table was filled with gifts, flowers and cards from famous people. Even the Prime Minister wrote to her.

“And there were flowers from local MP’s and Hunters Hill Council

“The cake was a big sensation, thanks to Cook Yvette for her beautiful work.

“The catering team were outstanding as usual and supplied a great feast.

“HR Coordinator Ed was a very good MC and there were speeches from Mari, myself, the Mayor, and family members. All were jovial, which added to the atmosphere.
“Art Therapist Joanne did a wonderful video of Sheelagh’s life. I was sitting with the family at the time and they loved it.
“There was more flowers, a final speech from Sheelagh herself and then the amazing cake was cut, with the assistance of our Patron John Laurie.

“Well done to everyone from HHV. It was a real celebration of Sheelagh’s life and vibrancy and the event was the perfect embodiment of the Twilight Family Model of Care.”
The final word goes to the wonderful woman herself, who said, “I want to thank everyone and appreciate what everyone did to make my birthday so special. I love my two daughters and adore my granddaughter. I was also very happy for Col Joye to attend my birthday and play my favourite songs.”
Happy birthday Sheelagh, from your Twilight family!